I'll post links to software, sites and other items of interest and reflect on some of the things that have worked well for me in class and others that haven't been so successful.
There are heaps of teacher/class blogs and wiki out there that I'll add as links, but I'd like to think that colleagues at school will be more likely to try new things ICT if they know that this is my space and that they can discuss things with me if they want to.
I could introduce them to Twitter instead. I've been making class web sites and blogs since 2001, but always in isolation, an island entire. Now, via Twitter, I'm learning from others again! For years I've been the guru that people have come to for ICT help, but today I'm getting help myself from ethereal colleagues. It feels good.
*Hoverfly "painted" in Artrage 2.5 - some post work (copy and flip the wing) in Paint.net
All clear! Turns out the doctor had been using the wrong size blood pressure cuff.
Forty-nine tomorrow and here's my early birthday present from the doctor - a 24hr ambulatory blood pressure monitor.
The past few times I've been to the doctor my blood pressure has been raised. After several readings they've decided to let me wear a 24hr monitor (for $150) to make sure I'm not suffering from "medical practitioner induced hypertension".
I'll let you know the results.
(image courtesy of http://www.healthstats.com/en/bpro.html used without permission)